Summer Style Me Pretty

Day 3 - Khaki Shorts, Stripped T-Shirt, Statement Necklace, Metallic Sandals
I LOVE the outfit (t-shirt - Old Navy, shorts - Gap) on the left. Not shockingly it was too miserable to wear it. I was disappointed. My classroom is normally UBER hot at the end of June so this would have been the perfect outfit. I ended up pairing the stripped top with my boyfriend jeans (American Eagle) and a sweater (Joe Fresh). I don't have any khaki pants, so I thought the tan sweater kept the spirt of the outfit while allowing me to retain some heat in my cool classroom!

 Day 4 - Tank, Printed Shorts, Metallic Sandals, Fedora
On the left is the outfit I wanted to wear (tank - Old Navy, shorts - Gap, fedora - Gap), but the weather here was miserable, so I wore what's on the right (skirt - Gap, jacket - Bootlegger). I'm still unsure what I think about the fedora. I even tried to wear it this weekend at a friends for practice and barely left it on 15 minutes. I think I will enjoy it reading a book on the beach. . . . It might grow on me. The maxi skirt has. I wore it on Day 4 of my own free accord!

 Day 7 - Bright Tank, Maxi Skirt, Statement Necklace, Metallic Shoes
Once again, the weather was brutal. I didn't even leave the house in this. I love my yellow tank with this skirt, but since I wore it only a few days before I mixed it up with this green t-shirt (Gap). I just got this new statement necklace and I really like it. Not quite as much as THIS one I see everyone in the challenge wearing, but I still like it! I gave it a try with the denim vest (Gap). I haven't taken the tags on the vest yet. Not convinced of it, yet. As with everything else, I'm sure it's bound to grow on me.

Day 5 (LEFT) - Printed Top, Denim Shorts, Metallic Sandals, Statement Earrings, Fedora
Day 8 (RIGHT) - White T-Shirt, Boyfriend Sweater, Denim Shorts, Runners
This is the best I have for a printed top (RW). Most people in the challenge I see wearing nice tribal ones, but I haven't found one I like. I have seen a few I like on the challenge FB page, so there is hope that I will find one! I am wearing the same boyfriend jeans (American Eagle) in both. I bought them for the spring challenge and really have fallen in love with the cut and length. I am also loving my new Chuck Taylors (I just learned that this is the name for this type of Converse shoe! - Thanks, Britt and Luke). I will have to find some of those socks that you can't see, because these hurt my feet when I wore them barefoot. I wore a bit of a greyish shirt with this outfit, but it may have looked better with a white top in retrospect. 

As you can see I skipped a few days and unlike last challenge where I was obsessed with following it to a 't' everyday, this time around I am quite fine going with the flow (which is so not me . . . I'm making progress, people!). Please check out my lovely challenge friends below!


  1. I think it is so funny about how you talk about he jean vest still having it's tags as I just snipped the tags on mine yesterday! It looks great on you, you should do the same!

  2. You look so pretty in everything - I can't pick a favorite. I really like your printed top though.

  3. Stick with the fedora! It looks awesome. Jean vests are not my favourite...but keep it if you like!

  4. you're gorgeous.
    Also, let's trade legs okay? thanks!

  5. The outfit you were fearful of the most is the one I love the best. Let's pack our maxis for our trip

  6. I wasn't as brave with my jean vest, I ended up returning it! Looking great as usual Jordan!

  7. Great printed top!! And those shorts!! Your outfits are great!


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