
I am hooking up with the lovely fashion challenge ladies. Go HERE to see my posts and the links. 
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Last night we were out biking and as we turned the corner onto our crescent a race broke out. Calder vs Hugh/Boone. Hugh was pulling Boone in the chariot. Hugh made a sharp turn into our driveway and Calder, who was following closely behind tried to take him on the inside. Although Calder loves to watch NASCAR, he doesn't have that much practical experience on the race course. Calder didn't take the turn tight enough and rubbed into Hugh. This side swipe caused him to ricochet into our car parked in the driveway. 

As Calder crashed to our driveway, Hugh looked behind and exclaimed, "I win!" Calder picked his head off the cement and quickly chimed in, "I get second." Oy. And Hugh says Calder gets his competitiveness form me! 

Calder was not injured in the accident, but this is exactly how he ended up. I was killing myself laughing as I approached on my bike and insisted he remained still while we took a couple pictures. Calder burst out laughing when he saw them later on Hugh's phone!
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I have been inspired recently by the online class I am taking #DCMOOC. Last night, amongst the many websites and tools I was exposed to, was an organization called, Kiva. This is an organization that sets up business loans for people around the world. All the loans are funded by the public. That means that you and I can loan people money on the other side of the world to give them a helping hand. There is risk with any loan and there is no guarantee you will get your money back, but it is a loan and there is a possibility. And I believe in most cases a very good possibility. I have decided to make a small donation to THESE women's cause. They are farmers and women and I just felt a connection to them. I had heard about Kiva before (I believe from my sister, Jes), but I was inspired today to create an account and become a lender. 

I hope you find inspiration today. Happy Wednesday!


  1. Great post...I laughed and I was inspired!

  2. Okay, this is so funny. I could totally see my boys doing something like this :) Thank you for sharing about Kiva - I will go check it out.

  3. omg this made me LOL! Hilarious that he hung out for pics!


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