Family Photo Shoot

We were so lucky to have Deena come and shoot some photos of us at the end of August. Or was it the beginning of September? Obviously it was long enough ago that there were leaves still on the trees and there was some seriously nice lighting at 6 pm.

I truly value these pictures. I take lots of photos but never seem to get a collection like this even when I snap dozens. For me it is worth the money to have someone come in and take them. If my BFF wasn't available I would definitely be finding someone else to try and do the job Deena does. These photos seem to capture our family perfectly. The one above of the three kids is my favourite of the whole shoot.

 This is a narrowed down collection of my favourites. My job this afternoon is to get Picassa working on my computer so that I can create a large collage for our living room wall.

 I purchased school pictures of Calder for our immediate family this year, but really debated it. They are SO expensive. I think next year I am going to purchase the 8 x 10 for our home office and get 5 x 7 prints of the kids' individual photos for the grandparents rather than school pictures. These are much nicer photos and better quality than the school shots.

Other years we have done a "funny" shot of the whole family. I wasn't in love with any of the ones we took this year, but this photo of Lawson can easily take its place!

Have a great weekend!

Go Blue Jays!


  1. seriously lovely pictures!!! Deena did a great job capturing your family on film!!

  2. These are INCREDIBLE!! Wow... so so beautiful.... and such great soft lighting.

    Love the one of the three that is your favourite- Lawson looks like she's holding on tightly! Smart Kid! :)

    And that last shot. PRECIOUS! :) And priceless... :)


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