
I thought I would throw in a few shots of Calder and his cars.  He still loves them!  No surprise there.

Our trip started with a little help packing from Calder.  We got all of our stuff set out beside the suitcase (we couldn't put it in, as Calder was hiding out in the suitcase).  

We left him in the bedroom (major mistake) and headed to his room to grab his clothes.  When we came back into our room, not only had Calder packed our bag for us, he was unpacking it as well!

We spent a fun ride to the lake.  Even got to do a bit of dancing at a construction stop.  This is the only picture of me from the weekend.  Hugh really needs to learn how to use the camera!

Uncle Luke is always good for a bunch of laughs.  Here he is tipping Calder over and helping do a lower back workout.

One thing I love about being with my family is how everyone helps take care of Calder.  I felt like a village was raising my son this weekend and it was really, really great.


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