Happiness From Friends

I can't remember what chapter in The Happiness Project that Rubin talks about relationships, but today I was reminded of how much they make me happy. I had my bi-annual final exams lunch date with Deena. She is definitely one of the people in my life who are kindred spirits and no matter the time between visits we have a great time catching up, but also ALWAYS have meaningful conversations where we talk about more than just our day-to-day stuff. She touches my soul.

On my way back to the school today I realized that not only do I need more of Deena in my life, but I need more of all my people. In working out how to make the time for this, I realized that coffee and lunch dates are just much too hard to organize. We are too busy. I hate that phrase, but, well, it is what it is. Way too many commas there, but I can do whatever I want on my blog. Anyway,  I then remembered that with our billet/son, Brad, Hugh and I have a phone date every week or two. These are always great visits and both Hugh and I have commented that they are feel good calls. Even if we are tired, or grumpy, when the call gets going, we always snap out of those moods. Okay. Let's be real. It was likely only me who was grumpy. So my new resolution is for each week of the summer I am going to make a phone call to one of my people (save the week we are on vacation to Vancouver/Spokane).

Doing more of what makes me happy, makes me happy.

Deena also thought I would really connect with Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis , so being the kind, caring soul she is she bought me a copy.  I also know that not only did she think I would connect, she wants to be right about thinking I would really connect with it. Subsequently, I will not be texting her next couple weeks to let her know if she won on the "Jordan connected with Girl, Wash Your Face" competition, I will be giving her a call.


  1. bahahahahahaha. Yup, you got me right. I remember a time when you and I used to talk on the phone- I don't know if I could even remember your landline now. DO you even still have a landline?? Anyway- hope you find a bit of yourself in that book. I'm pretty sure I'm right.


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