
Calder played his last year of Senior Rally Cap baseball this year. I helped coach this year and had a number of frustrating moments and a number of proud ones. Calder isn't as serious about ball as he is about hockey and at times this made me want to scream. Fooling around was the name of the game at the start of the year and just when we got that straightened out he learned how to floss. And he does that everywhere, not just in the field.

In terms of his skills, Calder started the year with an incredible upper cut and we spent plenty of time in the front yard with badminton birdies working that out. He made some tremendous progress and I feel confident with some informal baseball fun at the lake, we will have all but left that ugly swing in the past. His throwing went from mediocre last year to pretty darn good this year. We can actually play catch now! It is pretty awesome. And since I love playing catch and Hugh blew up his shoulder demoing a drill at a novice practice in the fall, Calder is definitely my new go-to guy! Hugh can't even throw overhand and has seriously procrastinated going to get at looked at. I suspect he knows it is really bad and doesn't want to learn how bad!

This year we bought Calder cleats, ball pants, socks and a belt. He looked so adorable. Nine year old Calder will hate me using that word, but so will 20 year old Calder and I really don't care. He is adorable in it. Unfortunately, his parents of the year failed to get a picture.  Oops. Next year, I guess!


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