Random Musings

I am FINALLY getting out of the house. We went to Regina last week and I was excited to wear some normal clothes. And by normal I mean nursing and baby belly friendly, but not the muumuus I've been living in (aka Hugh's t-shirts).  I was excited to try mixing patterns. I LOVE these camo leggings Deena picked up for me this winter. I tried it with a scarf I got last spring that is still one of my favourites. I also got to wear my jean jacket because it was such a nice day. It doesn't quite do up yet, but it didn't have to!
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Boone is really started to string some words together. He continues to repeat everything, but now says things like, "me backyard" and "stop, Calder". Our favourite two word string that he says is "come on" - Only Boone turns it into one word, "mon". I love it.

Boone sleeps in a sleep sack. Lately, he has been partying it up in bed. Houdini like, Boone removes the sleep sack (the zipper is safety pinned up). He then puts all 5 of the stuffies he requires to sleep with into the sack. Hugh has had to do a few delicate dances to get Boone back into the sack after he falls asleep!  He only does this at night. He actually falls asleep very well for nap time, strangely enough!

Last week after a bath Calder stood in front of our bathroom mirror and said, "Dad, look at my lumps." He was referring to his big pipes that he was flexing. Calder basically doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, so he has some good definition! LOL

Calder and Boone love to bike ride. Calder enjoys hunting for bottles around town with Hugh (in 2 outings they have collected 81). Boone mostly likes just riding around in the chariot. :-)

A couple of weeks ago, Calder told Hugh "I have math in my head". He loves math and this teacher couldn't be more excited! This weekend he impressed Grandma Fritshaw by asking her how old she was and then calculating her birth year. Mom will be 60 this year, which helped with the subtraction. :-)

Calder has started gymnastics. We got him in a 3 week session at Can-Am. If you live in Saskatoon, I can't say enough about the quality of programming this gym offers. I am picky and my gymnastics sister agrees totally with me after seeing Calder's class last week. He was VERY reluctant to go. In fact the story about his first class is an entire post all on it's own, but once he got to the gym he loved every minute. And that isn't just our impression. Calder couldn't pick a favourite thing he did during the 1.5 hour class, because he said he liked it all.

Happy Tuesday!


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