Braxton Hicks
So, once again, Braxton Hick's contractions are ruling my life. I consider myself an expert at Braxton Hicks having experienced them for my whole pregnancy with Calder. For those of you who don't know, Braxton Hicks are "practice contractions". The uterus contracts just like it does in labour, except you're not in labor . Most women get them in their third trimester and the intensity of the contraction varies woman to woman. They can range from intense, taking your breath away, to slightly painful or annoying. They say if you get more than 4 an hour, you should head to the hospital. My Braxton Hicks started at 11 weeks. I would wake up in the morning to a tightening of my uterus. I would say these ones were neither painful or even annoying. They were just there. It actually feels kind of neat at this stage to feel the shape of your uterus and to realize that your baby is hanging out it there. After that morning visit...