Cardboard Toys

Where to begin. It seems like forever since I have written a blog.  It is so long that not only have I had guilt for not blogging, but I even received an email requesting I get back on the blog-wagon (o.k. it was my mom who requested the blog, but if she mentioned it, others must be thinking the same thing...right?:-)

Hugh has been nagging me for a while that we need a second freezer and a second fridge.  When my parents were up a few weeks ago, we happened to come across a great deal on a upright freezer at Costco. Needless, to say, I caved and Hugh got the freezer.  I am happy to report that I LOVE the freezer.  It is so great to be able to see the stuff we have, without it getting stuck at the bottom.  I am sure things will still get lost in this one, but at least it is not as far to the back as it is to the bottom!  Here are some pictures of the best part of the freezer, the box.  Hugh made Calder his first fort and it was a hit.  It lasted over a week, it was used as a fort, a slide and even a toilet (Calder was having some naked time and dribbled on it and in it).

This weekend the city of Martensville held it's annual Buster Days.  The community puts on numerous events including a pancake breakfast, parade, ball tournament, and cabaret.  Hugh's brother's fiancee, Abbey and her daughter, Madison, came out to hit the breakfast and parade with Hugh, Calder, Grandma Hamilton, and I.  Calder absolutely loved the parade.  He started crying when we put him in his stroller to watch, but as soon as the floats started coming by, he was captivated.  He sat there smiling and making truck noises for almost 40 minutes.  Madison collected a backpack full of candy, so she had a great time as well!

Hugh's mom, Pam, has been staying with us for the last week.  She has been adamant that Calder needs a wagon to haul stuff around.  We went garage saleing on Friday night and had no luck find him one.  (Don't worry, our garage saleing was still a success...we came home with a van load)  On Sunday, we went to Costco and came home with a couple of boxes.  Calder starting packing stuff into them and then dumping the stuff out.  Pam turned one of them into a wagon and ever since toys, cats and Calder himself have been hauled around in them.

In my previous post, I mentioned how much Calder loves our cats, Charles and Lawrence.  I will close off this post with some pictures of his love!


  1. Jordan Luke here, just cruising your blog on your computer,,, wanted to ask if you taught Lawrence how to wink while you taught Calder??? Lawrence decided to wink at all the bloggers

  2. Calder is such a cutie pie! Are you sure he's Hugh's? lol


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