Boone Update
Many people ask me what color Boone's eyes are. The verdict is finally in. I googled what "hazel" meant. It is a mix of green and brown and depending on the light, a person's eyes could look like either color. I may be the only one who didn't know this! Boone's eyes are hazel with the dominant color being green. This means that most of the time his eyes look green. I have always said my brother has green eyes, but I took a good look at his the other day and I think technically his are hazel too. The amount of brown around my brother's pupil is very small - therefore his are always looking green. . . So maybe then they are just considered green? I am back to being unsure! LOL Hugh's dad also has green eyes, and now I am itching to see him again so I can examine his! I was so disappointed in the middle shot above. Boone looks gorgeous in it, but it is slightly off focus. I am blaming him. He must have moved right before I snapped it. ;-) Boo...