Almost the shortest hockey career in history
These days Calder is not in love with school he was the first week or two. We have even heard the odd groan, and "I don't want to go to school" when we remind him in the evening about how he will spend the next day. I think part of it has to do with the kind of kid Calder is. If Boone is our extrovert, Calder is certainly our introvert. Calder would much rather be at home than pretty much anywhere. I also think part of the negativity we are seeing has to do with riding the bus. I don't think it is the length of time (about a half an hour each way), but more to do with the fact he either sits at the front by himself, or with the bus driver's one-year old. We are in the midst of working on this. Apparently the bus company has a rule that kids must sit youngest to oldest on the bus - unless they sit with a sibling and then a younger kid might get to sit a bit farther back. There is one other boy in Calder's kindergarten class who rides the bus, but he sits with h...