Christmas 2016

We made our annual trek to the Lawson Height's mall to get our picture with Santa. The mall was pretty quiet while we were waiting in line and the boys began to wander a bit. All of a sudden Hugh looked over and Boone was milking a life-sized cow. What the heck it was doing in the mall is still unclear. Hugh reeled Boone back into line, Hugh and I shared a stifled giggle, and a couple minutes later we were ready for our picture. Lawson was having nothing to do with Santa, so Hugh had to wiggle on the big chair. Santa asked the boys what they wanted for Christmas. Calder said LEGO. It is his go-to gift, but I can honestly say, I don't think he really wanted anything. When I suggested to him that we sit down and write a letter to Santa he responded, "Can't I just use my one from last year?"  The last time Hugh and I recall Calder getting a present were a couple of Monster Jams at Easter and the odd $10 trip to Pearsons with my mom in the summer. Our kids are spoiled, don't get me wrong, but I was truly surprised when he couldn't come up with anything. When Santa asked Boone what he wanted Boone hesitated. Boone had typically being saying a new toy every time someone asked him.  When Santa gave ample pause and Boone hadn't answered, Santa re-asked the question. Boone then responded, "A milking cow." Bahahaha

We spent the couple days before Christmas at my parents. Boone is a charmer and snuggled in with Auntie Brittany while she had a mid-afternoon snooze. The rest of the crew played some games in the kitchen. Love the staged photo of Hugh and Luke below!

Christmas morning was super fun. There was a shwak of toys and paper was flying everywhere. Calder, after not really wanting anything, LOVED the whiffle ball stick Santa brought him. Lawson could have not cared less about the baby Santa brought her, but he nailed it with the stroller. There were even a few fights over it. Boone got a Code-a-pillar. He liked it, but it wasn't a hit. Our nephew, Nash, got a ride in police car. If there was fighting over the stroller, then there was a war over the car. At one point Lawson almost jersey'd Boone trying to pull him out. I took absolutely no pictures that morning. My camera has konked out on me, so I didn't even bother bringing it. Santa actually bought me a new Canon, but it was short an SD card. It was so dark when we unwrapped gifts, I only bothered to take one picture!

 Grandma Fritshaw said I was smiling too hard. She was right.

We spent Boxing day and the two following days with Hugh's family. The weather was pretty great, so the kids spent time on both ours and Billy's rink!

I got to play around a bit with my new camera. It is so great having something that works!!!

Billy got all the boys remote control cars. They were an absolute hit. They played almost an entire day with them!

 Boone's skating is really coming along. He got really good at pushing a chair around at Christmas

 So this Christmas post turned out to be a whole pile of pictures!  Next year I will try and write it closer to the event so I can remember all the stories!


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