Social life?

I attended the Shellbrook Elks hockey game last night to cheer on my wonderful husband, Hugh. Although I missed the first period and a bit putting my son to bed, it was nice to feel like I had a bit of my "pre-Calder" life back. Like every other parent, I could not image my life without my son. I love my family and Calder is the center of my world. But in the same breath, I can honestly say I do miss some of the freedoms that come with not having a child.

I think the two things I miss most are an adult social life and SLEEP.

Most of my friends now have families, so we are all in the same boat. We know that afternoon coffee's worked around nap schedules and early suppers are the best way to go. Bedtime for most of our kids is between 7 pm and 8 pm. Unfortunately, this leaves very little time for the adults. We all make an effort to get a sitter so that we can get together, but that only happens on occasion, not like before kids when it happened every weekend.

And when it happens that Hugh and I get to spend an evening with our friends, there is no more sleeping in the next day to recover. Calder does NOT sleep in. So instead, we take turns sleeping. It seems like it is nearly impossible to recover from a late night like this. Thus, I am sitting here on a Sunday afternoon exhausted.

I wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Great post Jordan! I found your blog from Deena's blog. I couldn't agree more with what you said, after just completing my first year of parenthood. Hangovers are just not the same!! haha Glad you had a great night out :)


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