One of the biggest perks of having Blades season tickets is the fact that I get to see more of Wade (he also has season tickets). Hugh and I have been enjoying a bit of alone time away from the kids attending the Blades' games. It is a win-win. We get to watch Brad AND have a conversation without crying, whining, being climbed on, or wiping someone's butt. This picture was taken on my birthday. I am sporting my new Blades' jersey and likely already drank a couple of beer :-). Brad also had them announce a special happy birthday to me. They got my age right (29), but thought I was a guy! Boone started skating in Dalmeny this fall. They offer pre-initiation and Boone has been liking it. It runs twice a week, but we have taken off the occasional session. As I said, Boone likes it. He hasn't fallen in love yet. It was a sweet deal in terms of cost, so I don't mind skipping out of the odd session. We want Boone to love hockey, so don't want to force it ...